Get it translated (somehow, one of my friends said he'd help) 4 Use the English table I made to shove all the new text back in the game according to the addresses and sizes So I haven't gotten it translated completely or anything, but I definitely noticed huge issues with the amount of space I have for text.. Omar best by far rar Then my problem was that I didn't know the story or the dialogue anyway, so having it in gibberish was even worse than having it in Japanese (which I also don't speak).. The address I searched for was: 164968 And 2 bytes before and after it (164B68, 164868, etc.. Then I decided that maybe I'd be able to use BGB to setup access breakpoints to the location I wanted, but no luck (does BGB's debugger just show me dynamic memory? I'm assuming so).. 76 4F seems to indicate the start of dialogue, and 4C seems to indicate the end of the current chatbox (as in, hit A to continue).. So my new plan was to: 1 Me and Kimbles have been working on a Medarot 1 translation patch for a bit.. Medarot Ds Kabuto Version English Patch DownloadMedabots Girls Mission: Kabuto VersionSo I started up a translation project for the original Medarot GB game (because it's a prequel that we never got here in the States), and after asking Danke for some help I was led here! By searching around and finding random tutorials, I managed to replace all the tiles with English ones and make an English table.. Free and instant download Medarot Ds Kabuto Version English Patch DownloadCreate a Japanese character table 2.. Medabots Girls Mission: Kabuto VersionFor reference, the start of the introductory text I searched for was 0x5A849 (dec 370761), and the first text is: 76 4F 00 C0 E2 CC C7 D0 00 4B 23 C9 4C こんにちは (NAME) 4B23C9 is (NAME) and 00 is space.. Use said table + a Python script I wrote to extract any text in the ROM (lots of gibberish, but I got all the dialogue text too, from at least looking at the intro and playing picture matching) along with the addresses and size of the text 3.. ) So, I was hoping maybe someone could give me some pointers (heh) so I can possibly figure out where to look, maybe even the structure.. Medarot 1 GB Translation Download the game Medarot DS - Kabuto Ver Japan ROM for NDS / Nintendo DS.. My understanding is that all dialogue is called from somewhere through a pointer, so I found the start of the intro text and looked for references to it (doing the whole address/0x4000 -> bank number, then searched for, making sure to add 80 or subtract 40 for the last byte), but I've had no luck so far with that.. If there's a clear structure to dialogue text, then it might be possible for me to write a translator-helper program with a pretty GUI.. Edit: the 76 is actually probably just coincidence, I decided to do some other comparisons and I found a couple that didn't have the 7F 4B (just 7F), so ignore that! Also, 4F is probably actually representing the end of dialogue. a5171a3e95
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